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Saturday 6 April 2013

What To Do When You Bored:

Holidays. Functions. Study ties for uni exams. School itself. All machinations of the boredom demon. What can you possibly do if there is nothing else constructive?So many of us often feel bored, don’t know what to do and our mood changes. Here are some steps on what to do when bored.


Playing video games is one of the things you can do when your bored. You can plug in your favorite game and get lost in its world. Modern Warfare is one game that can help you pass the time until the zombie apocalypse happens. Other than your typical shooting game you can play your favorite role playing game. Spend hours just trying to figure out how to beat the secret boss that does not affect the game but is way harder than the actual game bosses.

Read a Book

This may be a boring alternative but it beats twiddling your thumbs to pass the hours. Curl up and read a book, you will not only pass the time but you will also enrich your life. Catch up on your reading during the hours when you have nothing to do. Make it a habit to read at least one book a month.

Watch a Movie

Things to do when your bored can be answered by watching a movie. Go on a movie marathon to pass the time and gain a different perspective on matters. You can watch your favorite action movies and dry your eyes by watching cheesy romantic movies. Instead of watching DVDs you can go out and go to the cinema to watch a movie.

Listen to music

You like dancing? Well dance.
Break or create new records for the Guiness Book of Records. For example, how fast you can say the alphabet or how many beers you can drink in a day.

You like writing? Well write something you feel. Or imagine something.
Play Chess or Poker. Against yourself.
Make some exercise. It will make you feel better about yourself.

You like food? Well try cooking something it may turn out good.

Want to know the answer of a question you’ve asked for so long? Read all the articles in forums and Google.

Make a Girl Happy- Guys point of View:-

Touch her waist.?
Talk to her.?
Share secrets.?
Give her your jacket.
Always hug her and say, "I love you," whenever you see her.?
Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.?
Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.?
Take her for long walks at night.?

some funny "Roses are red" poems?

Roses are crap
Violets are shit
Sit on my face
And wiggle a bit...

Roses are stupid
Violets are silly
Grease up your flaps
Cuz here comes my willy....

Roses make me laugh
Violets make me titter
You're a dirty bitch
And you love it up the shitter....

1. Spend your free time resting or sleeping

While some may prefer to spend it on fun or exciting activities, if you are tired during your waking hours then getting some quality rest can be the best thing to spend your free time doing.

2. Catching up on your reading

If you're an avid reader, then you could spend your free time catching up on those books that you haven't had the time to read. Keep them in an area that you have easy access to and enjoy.

3. Clean or fix up your home

Being busy can make it hard to get your home tidy and clean. Try doing some housecleaning or rearranging of the rooms in your home.

4. Exercise and physical fitness

It's always good to keep your body healthy. Go for a walk or visit the gym in your free time. Good health can make all other aspects of your life better including your work.

5. Relax and calm your mind

Meditating or relaxing in some other way can help clear your mind and make you feel better. You can also visit a sauna or get a massage to help you relax in your free time.

6. Catch up on your bills

Doing your finances is always good to do. If you've got some extra time, try doing your bills and making sure you're aware of where all your money is going.

7. Watch some television

You don't have to do something productive in your free time. Instead, just sit back and watch a movie or some television. Free time doesn't have to be about more work, try renting a favorite movie and relax.

8. Surf the internet

The internet is full of fun and interesting things. Visit your favorite websites and learn new things in your free time. You can also play some online games and just enjoy yourself in your free time.

9. Visit some friends or family

Working too much can take away from your loved ones. Try calling some of them and having a chat, or organizing an outing to spend and bond with your friends and family.

10. Cook a great meal

Find a recipe and get the ingredients and cook yourself a nice meal. Making yourself a great meal can be very satisfying. Share it with your family and loved ones and you've got a great way to spend your free time.

Working too much can take away from your loved ones. Try calling some of them and having a chat, or organizing an outing to spend and bond with your friends and family.

10. Cook a great meal

Find a recipe and get the ingredients and cook yourself a nice meal. Making yourself a great meal can be very satisfying. Share it with your family and loved ones and you've got a great way to spend your free time.
I love spending my free time with friends, family and dating, (Now that there's not one special person.) I do get a lot of free dinners though.
  • Designing and creating jewelery
  • Shopping (when I have the money)
  • Going to street festivals & craft shows
  • Rollerblading & hiking
  • Traveling